Wednesday 4 May 2016

Generations of Pop Culture

   Since I have already looked at the pop culture of my generation, I have decided to look into pop culture for my mom's generation. As you could probably tell from the image above, my mom was an 80's teen. The 80's pop culture was a lot different compared to today's pop culture, it has changed over the years and decades. Although we have some similarities, but we also have differences. The similarities that we share with the 80's is fashion. A lot of 80's trends are coming back in rotation, for example high waist shorts or pants, crop tops, and some of the grunge style. But some differences compared to today's generation and their generation would definitely be how we communicate with the world, we have different way's of media sources. In the 80's they didn't have the technology that we have today, they had telephones, print media, television and radio and now today we have internet and different types of social media. Looking into pop culture from today and back than. nothing really surprised me with what I have found, pop culture will always continue to change as time goes on and as people grow.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

My Digital Footprint

Learning about your digital footprint is pretty important when looking into getting employed or getting accepted into a program of whatever sorts. It's should be a necessity to everyone using the internet to interact with the world, to make sure that their digital footprint is at its best shape it could be in. While learning about digital foot prints, I figured that I had to Google myself, so I did. I found out that my footprint could be better, but it's in alright shape. There are some areas that could use some improving, and maybe if I work on my privacy settings on some online profiles, than I'd be fine. But other than that everything came out looking alright. Everything I post on social media is usually all thought through, so I found nothing to shocking and/or surprising.

Friday 26 February 2016

Imagine that I am 60.

I am now 60 years old, my teenage grandchild(ren) has came for a visit, they are blasting their music and watching television shows or playing video games. My first reaction would probably be to tell them to turn their music down. They came to visit me, not to sit on my couch and do what they would be doing at their house. If they wanted to do that, than they might as well go home and do that. If I'm in my 60's why would I want to listen to their stupid music, or watch their stupid TV shows, or even be slightly interested in their video games? I'd want to be beading, knitting, sewing or doing some other things that would interest me as an old person. I wouldn't want to watch their lame TV shows, I'd rather be watching The Price Is Right, soap operas, or some other television shows older people watch. I would not like what they do at the age of 60! But if I was I'd look insane, just an old lady dancing around to rap music or something.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Favorite Genre

 My favorite genre of movies are animated films. Animated films have to be my favorite type of movies because I love how adorable and colourful they are, and if you really pay attention they sometimes have some adult type humor. The kinds of characters that appear in these films are basically animals, fairy tale characters, talking bugs, children, fictional creatures, and fish. The action takes place mostly in the beginning of the movies, and its usually against the villain and the main character. Animated movies always seem to have happy endings.